Jacksonville Jaguars Color Codes

Jacksonville Jaguars Color Codes
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The color codes for the Atlanta Braves capture the team’s distinctive look. The primary colors used by the Braves are navy blue and red, reflecting tradition and vibrancy. These shades symbolize the team’s heritage and dynamism on the field. White is often used as an accent color, adding contrast to the bold blues and reds. Together, these colors create the iconic Braves aesthetic that resonates with fans and players alike. The combination evokes a sense of team pride and unites the Atlanta Braves’ community.

Jacksonville Jaguars Primary Logo Colors

Jacksonville Jaguars primary logo colors are teal, black, and gold. The logo features a jaguar head in profile, which is predominantly gold with black spots. Teal is used as an accent color, providing a striking background to the fierce jaguar head.
The black outline gives the logo a bold definition, while the white fangs and bright eyes add intensity. This color combination creates a dynamic and memorable visual representation of the Jacksonville Jaguars’ identity. It reflects the team’s aggressive style and commitment to excellence on the field.

HEX COLOR: #101820;
RGB: (16, 24, 32)
CMYK: (100, 40, 100)

RGB: (215, 162, 42 )
CMYK: (0, 28, 98, 11)

RGB: (159, 121, 44)
CMYK: (11, 31, 100, 36)

HEX COLOR: #006778;
RGB: (0, 103, 120)
CMYK: (100, 9, 29, 47)

Jacksonville Jaguars Primary Logo Colors (1990 – 2017)

HEX COLOR: #000000;
RGB: (0, 0, 0)
CMYK: (40, 0, 0, 100)

RGB: (215, 162, 42)
CMYK: (0, 25, 100, 30)

HEX COLOR: #00677F;
RGB: (0, 103, 127)
CMYK: (100, 0, 20, 35)

Helmet Color

RGB: (159, 121, 44)
CMYK: (0, 25, 56, 51)

Color Codes of Jacksonville Jaguars in RGB, CMYK, Pantone and HEX

Color codes of Jacksonville Jaguars in RGB, CMYK, Pantone, and HEX are used to maintain brand consistency across various media. The team’s teal color, the primary shade, has the following codes: RGB (0, 103, 120), CMYK (100, 9, 29, 47), Pantone 3155 C, and HEX #006778.
Black, the secondary color, has codes as follows: RGB (16, 24, 32), CMYK (0, 0, 0, 100), Pantone Black 6 C, and HEX #101820. Gold, the accent shade, has these color codes: RGB (215, 162, 42), CMYK (0, 28, 98, 11), Pantone 7555 C, and HEX #D7A22A.
These codes ensure that the Jacksonville Jaguars’ colors are accurately reproduced in print, digital media, and merchandise. The consistency strengthens the team’s brand identity and recognition among fans.

Color Name

RGB Color Code

CMYK Color Code

Pantone Color Code

HEX Color Code


(16, 24, 32)

(0, 0, 0, 100)

PMS Black 6 C



(215, 162, 42)

(0, 28, 98, 11)

PMS 7555 C


Dark Gold

(159, 121, 44)

(11, 31, 100, 36)

PMS 126 C



(0, 103, 120)

(100, 9, 29, 47)

PMS 3155 C



Jacksonville Jaguars Pantone Color Codes

Jacksonville Jaguars Pantone color codes are essential for maintaining consistent branding. The team’s primary teal color has the Pantone code 3155 C, providing a vibrant and unique shade. The secondary color, black, corresponds to Pantone Black 6 C, adding a bold and striking contrast.
Gold, which serves as an accent in the Jaguars’ color scheme, is represented by Pantone 7555 C. This golden shade adds warmth and richness to the team’s branding. These Pantone codes ensure that the Jacksonville Jaguars’ colors are reproduced accurately across various media, from print to merchandise.

Color Name

Pantone Color Code


PMS Black 6 C


PMS 7555 C

Dark Gold

PMS 126 C


PMS 3155 C


Jacksonville Jaguars Color Codes HEX

Jacksonville Jaguars color codes in HEX are essential for digital and web-based applications. The team’s primary color, teal, has the HEX code #006778, offering a unique and vibrant shade for the Jaguars’ digital presence. The secondary color, black, is represented by HEX #101820, adding a bold and distinctive edge to the color palette.
Gold, the accent shade in the Jaguars’ color scheme, carries the HEX code #D7A22A. This golden hue adds a touch of warmth and prestige to the overall design. These HEX codes ensure consistent color representation across websites, digital graphics, and electronic displays, reinforcing the Jacksonville Jaguars’ visual identity.

Color Name

HEX Color Code





Dark Gold




Jacksonville Jaguars Color Codes RGB

Jacksonville Jaguars color codes in RGB offer specific digital representations. The team’s primary color, teal, has an RGB code of (0, 103, 120), providing a distinctive and deep shade. The secondary color, black, has an RGB code of (16, 24, 32), offering a rich, dark tone that complements the teal.
Gold, the accent color in the Jaguars’ scheme, carries an RGB code of (215, 162, 42). This golden shade adds a touch of warmth and contrast to the team’s palette. These RGB codes ensure accurate color representation in digital designs, screens, and electronic media, maintaining the Jacksonville Jaguars’ identity.

Color Name

RGB Color Code


(16, 24, 32)


(215, 162, 42)

Dark Gold

(159, 121, 44)


(0, 103, 120)


Jacksonville Jaguars Color Codes CMYK

Jacksonville Jaguars color codes in CMYK are crucial for print materials. The team’s primary color, teal, has the CMYK code (100, 9, 29, 47), giving a unique mix for high-quality printing. The secondary color, black, has a CMYK code of (0, 0, 0, 100), providing deep, rich tones that stand out in printed designs.
Gold, the accent color in the Jaguars’ palette, carries a CMYK code of (0, 28, 98, 11). This golden hue adds warmth and brightness to the team’s color scheme. These CMYK codes ensure consistent color reproduction across brochures, flyers, and other printed media, helping maintain the Jacksonville Jaguars’ brand integrity.

Color Name

CMYK Color Code


(0, 0, 0, 100)


(0, 28, 98, 11)

Dark Gold

(11, 31, 100, 36)


(100, 9, 29, 47)


Jacksonville Jaguars Logo Colors

Jacksonville Jaguars logo colors are bold and distinct, reflecting the team’s identity. The primary color is gold, which dominates the jaguar head, adding a vibrant and energetic tone. Black is used to outline the logo and define the jaguar’s spots, giving a sense of power and precision.
Teal serves as an accent color in the logo, providing a splash of unique vibrancy. This combination of gold, black, and teal creates a memorable visual impact. These colors contribute to the overall branding of the Jacksonville Jaguars, symbolizing strength and agility. The logo’s colors are used consistently across merchandise, uniforms, and promotional materials.

Jacksonville Jaguars Logo

Jacksonville Jaguars logo is a striking representation of a jaguar’s head. The design features a fierce golden jaguar with black spots, adding a sense of aggression and stealth. The teal accents in the logo provide a unique touch, symbolizing the team’s connection to the Jacksonville community.
The logo’s sharp teeth and intense eyes create an imposing presence, embodying the team’s competitive spirit. This iconic design is used across various platforms, from jerseys to merchandise. The logo’s bold colors and intricate details make it instantly recognizable, reinforcing the Jacksonville Jaguars’ identity in the NFL.

Jacksonville Jaguars Logo Fonts

Jacksonville Jaguars logo fonts are bold and athletic, emphasizing the team’s competitive edge. The primary font used in the logo is a custom-designed typeface with sharp edges and a dynamic look. It complements the logo’s aggressive design, reinforcing the sense of strength and energy.
The lettering in the Jaguars logo is typically rendered in black, creating a striking contrast against the teal and gold elements. This choice of font reflects the team’s commitment to intensity and power. The unique typography contributes to the overall branding, ensuring the Jacksonville Jaguars logo stands out across various media and merchandise.

Jacksonville Jaguars Logo JPG

Jacksonville Jaguars Logo JPG
Jacksonville Jaguars logo JPG files are widely used for digital applications. These files feature the team’s iconic logo, a fierce golden jaguar head with black spots and teal accents. The JPG format is commonly chosen for its balance between image quality and file size, making it suitable for websites, social media, and other digital platforms.
The color accuracy in JPG files ensures that the vibrant gold, bold black, and striking teal elements of the Jaguars’ logo are consistently reproduced. This consistency helps maintain brand integrity across various digital media, ensuring the Jacksonville Jaguars’ logo is instantly recognizable to fans and audiences.

Jacksonville Jaguars Logo PNG

Jacksonville Jaguars Logo PNG
Jacksonville Jaguars logo PNG files are ideal for high-quality digital graphics. The PNG format allows for transparent backgrounds, making it versatile for various applications. The Jaguars’ logo, featuring a bold golden jaguar head with black spots and teal accents, appears crisp and clear in PNG format.
This format is preferred for digital design, allowing the logo to be seamlessly placed over different backgrounds without losing detail. The transparency in PNG files helps maintain the integrity of the logo’s intricate design elements, ensuring the Jacksonville Jaguars’ identity remains strong across digital platforms and merchandise.

Jacksonville Jaguars Jersey 2022

Jacksonville Jaguars jersey 2022 designs featured the team’s classic color palette. The primary jerseys were teal, reflecting the team’s signature shade. This distinctive color symbolizes the energy and unique style of Jacksonville’s football team.
The secondary jerseys were black, with bold accents that emphasized strength and determination. The numbers and names on the jerseys were typically in contrasting gold or white, providing a clear and sharp appearance. These elements contributed to a modern and sleek design that resonated with fans. The 2022 jerseys embodied the Jaguars’ bold and fearless identity on the field.

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