Boston Red Sox Color Codes

Boston Red Sox Color Codes
Discover the iconic Boston Red Sox colors: vibrant red, navy blue, and white, symbolizing passion and tradition.

The Boston Red Sox color codes are essential for fans and designers alike. These colors represent the team’s identity and are used in their uniforms, merchandise, and branding.
The primary colors include red, navy blue, and white. Red symbolizes passion and energy, reflecting the team’s vibrant spirit. Navy blue stands for tradition and strength, highlighting the team’s long history. White adds a touch of purity and simplicity.
Understanding these colors helps in creating accurate and consistent designs. Whether you’re designing fan gear or a promotional banner, using the correct Boston Red Sox color codes ensures authenticity.

Boston Red Sox Primary Colors 

The Boston Red Sox primary colors are red, navy blue, and white. Red is the most iconic, symbolizing the team’s passion and energy. Navy blue represents strength and tradition, reflecting the team’s storied history.
White serves as a complement, adding balance and simplicity to the team’s color palette. These colors are used in various elements, from uniforms to logos, ensuring a cohesive and recognizable brand.
Each color plays a vital role in the team’s identity, making them instantly recognizable to fans and opponents alike. Using these primary colors correctly maintains the integrity of the Boston Red Sox brand.

RGB: (189, 48, 57)
CMYK: (00, 91, 76, 6)

HEX COLOR: #0C2340;
RGB: (12, 35, 64)
CMYK: (100, 60, 00, 56)

RGB: (255, 255, 255)
CMYK: (0, 0, 0, 0)

Color Codes of Boston Red Sox in RGB, CMYK, Pantone and HEX

The color codes of Boston Red Sox in RGB, CMYK, Pantone, and HEX are crucial for accurate reproduction. These codes ensure consistency across digital and print media.

RGB: 189, 48, 57
CMYK: 0, 91, 76, 6
Pantone: 186 C

HEX: #BD3039
Navy Blue:
RGB: 12, 35, 64
CMYK: 100, 60, 0, 56
Pantone: 289 C
HEX: #0C2340

RGB: 255, 255, 255
CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0
Pantone: Not Available

These color codes are vital for designers working with Boston Red Sox branding. They ensure every piece of merchandise, graphic, or promotional material matches the team’s official colors perfectly.

Color Name

RGB Color Code

CMYK Color Code

Pantone Color Code

HEX Color Code


(189, 48, 57)

(0, 91, 76, 6)

PMS 186 C



(12, 35, 64)

(100, 60, 0, 56)

PMS 289 C



(255, 255, 255)

(0, 0, 0, 0)

Not Available



Boston Red Sox Pantone Color Codes

The Boston Red Sox Pantone color codes are essential for maintaining brand consistency. These codes are used in various applications, from print materials to merchandise.

Pantone 186 C

Navy Blue:
Pantone 289 C

Not Available

These Pantone codes ensure that the Boston Red Sox colors are reproduced accurately. Using these specific codes helps keep the team’s branding uniform across all mediums.

Color Name

Pantone Color Code


PMS 186 C


PMS 289 C


Boston Red Sox Color Codes HEX

The Boston Red Sox color codes in HEX are vital for web and digital design. These codes ensure the team’s colors are displayed correctly on screens.

HEX: #BD3039

Navy Blue:
HEX: #0C2340


Using these HEX codes ensures the Boston Red Sox colors remain consistent across all digital platforms. This uniformity is crucial for maintaining the team’s visual identity online.

Color Name

HEX Color Code







Boston Red Sox Color Codes RGB

The Boston Red Sox color codes in RGB are crucial for digital and screen-based applications. These codes ensure accurate color representation on all devices.

RGB: 189, 48, 57

Navy Blue:
RGB: 12, 35, 64

RGB: 255, 255, 255

Using these RGB codes ensures the Boston Red Sox colors are displayed consistently on digital screens. This consistency is essential for maintaining the team’s visual identity in digital media.

Color Name

RGB Color Code


(189, 48, 57)


(12, 35, 64)


(255, 255, 255)

Boston Red Sox Color Codes CMYK

The Boston Red Sox color codes in CMYK are essential for print materials. These codes ensure the colors are reproduced accurately in printed formats.

CMYK: 0, 91, 76, 6

Navy Blue:
CMYK: 100, 60, 0, 56

CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0

Using these CMYK codes ensures that the Boston Red Sox colors are printed consistently across all materials. This consistency is crucial for maintaining the team’s brand integrity in print.

Color Name

CMYK Color Code


(0, 91, 76, 6)


(100, 60, 0, 56)


(0, 0, 0, 0)


Boston Red Sox Logo Colors

The Boston Red Sox logo colors are a key part of the team’s identity. These colors make the logo instantly recognizable and iconic.
Used in the iconic “B” and the red socks symbol.
Navy Blue:
Provides a strong contrast, highlighting the red elements.
Adds balance and clarity to the logo design.
These colors work together to create a cohesive and powerful visual representation of the team. Consistently using these colors in the logo ensures that the Boston Red Sox brand remains strong and easily identifiable.

Boston Red Sox Logo

The Boston Red Sox logo is a symbol of the team’s rich history and tradition. It features the iconic “B” in red with navy blue outlines.
Design Elements:
The red “B” is bold and stands out, representing the team’s primary color.
Navy blue outlines add depth and contrast, highlighting the red “B.”
The red socks, a key element of the logo, emphasize the team’s name and heritage.
The combination of colors and design elements creates a timeless and recognizable logo.
This logo is used across all team branding, from uniforms to merchandise, ensuring a consistent and powerful visual identity for the Boston Red Sox.

Boston Red Sox Logo Fonts

The Boston Red Sox logo fonts are integral to the team’s visual identity. These fonts convey tradition and strength.
Font Style:
The primary font used is a custom typeface resembling “Bosox,” which features bold, blocky letters.
The font has a vintage, athletic look, reflecting the team’s long history and classic style.
This font is used in the iconic “B” logo and the team’s name on jerseys and merchandise.
Consistent use of these fonts maintains the recognizable and historic feel of the Boston Red Sox brand. The font choice complements the team’s colors, ensuring a cohesive and memorable visual identity.

Boston Red Sox Logo JPG

Boston Red Sox Logo JPG
The Boston Red Sox logo JPG is a widely used format for digital applications. This format ensures the logo maintains its quality and clarity online.
File Format:
The JPG format is ideal for web use, offering a good balance between image quality and file size.
Used on websites, social media, and digital marketing materials to ensure the team’s branding is consistently represented.
The JPG format allows for quick loading times and easy sharing, making it perfect for digital platforms.
Using the Boston Red Sox logo in JPG format ensures the colors and details remain vibrant and accurate across all digital media.

Boston Red Sox Logo PNG

Boston Red Sox Logo PNG
The Boston Red Sox logo PNG is essential for maintaining image quality with transparency. This format is perfect for various digital and print applications.
File Format:
The PNG format supports transparency, making it versatile for different backgrounds.
Ideal for use on websites, merchandise, and promotional materials where a transparent background is needed.
Maintains high resolution and sharpness, ensuring the logo looks crisp and clear.
Using the Boston Red Sox logo in PNG format ensures the team’s branding remains consistent and professional across all platforms.

Boston Red Sox Jersey 2022

The Boston Red Sox jersey for 2022 features their traditional colors with modern updates. The primary jersey is white with red lettering and navy blue accents.
Design Elements:
The home jersey showcases “Red Sox” in bold red script across the chest.
Navy blue piping adds a touch of contrast to the sleeves and collar.
Made from high-performance fabric, ensuring comfort and durability for players.
Alternate Jerseys:
The alternate jersey includes a navy blue version with “Boston” in red lettering.
Another popular design is the red jersey, often worn during special games or events.
These jerseys blend classic style with contemporary features, celebrating the Boston Red Sox’s rich history while keeping up with modern trends.

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